Monday, September 29, 2008

No Pics, Just News

FIRST, I have to thank everyone that has voted for my design submission to Stringing magazine! If you haven't yet (ahem), go here and vote for #96: !

SECOND, happy birthday to my favorite sister in the whole world!

Sorry I don't have any new photographs to post just yet. I do have some new pieces that I can't wait to share, though! One is called Davy Jones's Locker that I'm super-thrilled with. I made that one for Talk Like a Pirate Day back on September 19th. I was busy making iron-on designs for T-shirts just for that fabulous holiday. Buck up, me hearties! More treasures be on their way, so keep yer eyeballs keen. Arrrgh!

So, um, yes. T-shirt embellishments kept me a little busy, and now Halloween preparations have begun. I'm currently putting together a fancy, new, pirate coat for my costume. I loved my existing pirate outfit, but Halloween is always so cold here that I needed something that provided a little more coverage. Besides, I will not wear high-heeled boots again. Well, not as high as the boots that I used to wear with my costume! My 4-year-old wants to be an owl, so that's going to be an interesting project. I've got a men's brown sweatshirt, some felt, boas, and furry fabric. Maybe I'll have some non-jewelry pictures to post soon too!

Besides making oodles of stuff, I've started taking Mandarin Chinese classes with my IRL BFF. It's hard, but it's an enjoyable hard. Kind of like a puzzle or something. Anyway, it's a couple of hours a week to be surrounded by adults.

I'm sleepy. I promised my little one we'd work on her owl tomorrow, but I will definitely try to get some jewelry pictures taken and post them ASAP. Zai jian!


Jannie Funster said...

I voted, # 96!

I know the BFF but IRL?


Summer Sun said...

In Real Life. ;) I don't know the lingo for blogfriend in TX. BFIT? Rather "befitting" ain't it? Sorry, couldn't help it. :D