Friday, December 19, 2008

She turned me into a newt...

I got better. Okay, you know this is sad when all my posts start out with some excuse for not posting earlier. Thanks for stickin' with me anyway! I actually haven't been able to work on any new stuff since I last wrote. I did a repair job on a necklace this afternoon, though. With Christmas rapidly approaching, I guess I otta start working on my jewelry gifts. I just started working on a lucite flower bracelet that is going to be beautiful. I'm thinking about making a Y-necklace to go with it and, of course, earrings. I got some garnet chips to go with a shell pendant that will make a great necklace. I hope.

I added a widget thingy to my blog for I haven't twittered much, but the addiction is creeping in. I was stringing the lucite blossoms and suddenly felt the need to "report in." Huh. Anyway, I did but it had nothing to do with the jewelry. My husband got the dern computer to let me listen to and the station I had selected for one of Muse's songs (from Twilight) started playing a song from Elefant and it was wonderful! 'Course, the rest may stink, but for now they're GREAT! That's what I had to twitter to the world. I don't know exactly how it works, but you can "follow" me. I like followers! I also like henchmen. Remind me to get some of those.

Is it too obvious that it's past my bedtime?

PS--Thanks, Jannie, for boosting the ol' ego...You so totally rock!

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