Saturday, August 8, 2009

Marshmallow News

Since the last post, we experienced a miracle! Yesterday, our backyard neighbor drove over and asked if we were missing a chicken. I hopped in the van and followed her to where she saw a stray chicken. It was three blocks away and she'd been missing for nearly a week! Well, of COURSE it was our Marshmallow. I dare say that we're probably the only chicken-keepers in the area. Oh, happy day!!

Bucket was NOT happy to have Marshmallow back--it upset her promotion in the flock. Cheetah and Marshmallow are best friends and they've been inseparable since they were reunited. It's so sweet. Tonight, everything is back to normal.

Thank you, Lord, for watching out for our sweet hen and making our family happy again!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad Marshmallow is back. Love the green glass and copper pendant and think the Tatting Underground is amazing! You're so good!