Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Entry

I just now submitted another necklace for a new design challenge. The pictures for "Smoke on the Water" have already been posted here, but I did submit a different photo. That photo you'll eventually see on my website. When I get an entry number back, I'll let you know what it is. I mean, you DO want to vote for me, right??

Right now, I have that picture I told you about earlier: the aquamarine bracelet. Well, I got a little aquamarine crazy and I also have some earrings to share. There are two more bracelets that will become a trio and hopefully get matched up with a necklace and earrings. I don't have pictures of those bracelets yet. I'll wait until I get the whole set ready. So, here is "Aqua Bracelet":
And "Raindrops":
Both of these are all sterling silver (well, except the little crosses on the bracelet) and Swarovski crystal. I love the polygon drops on the earrings. I thought about saving them for necklace pendants, but they just seemed so perfect for earrings. The bracelet is on my gallery page since it was custom made for someone, but the earrings are available here:
I love March. My first daughter's birthday is on March 1st, an aunt has a birthday a week later, then there's St. Patrick's Day and Easter! Well, tornadoes tend to start dropping in that month, but still there's just so much to love about March anyway. And I'm not even a basketball fan (unless a Kansas school tends to make it big).

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