Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sapphire Stringing

I think I've solved the problem with the blue lapis agate cubes. I've COMPLETELY changed the design. It's much more delicate now and very "drapey." In the picture below, the first necklace design is on the right and a temporary layout of a new design is on the left. Eventually, most of the right side necklace was cannabolized for the other. The new one uses sapphire-colored Swarovski crystals along with the lapis agate. The silver cubes were dropped out of the design because their holes were too big and they kept sliding all out of place. Naughty.
I just did a lot of research on diamonds, the subject of my April newsletter. Visit my website ( for a link to subscribe. I have the main article written, I just need to get some little tidbits put together yet. Hopefully, I'll get it mailed out tomorrow, but I'll mail it to anyone that would like a copy. I send it as a pdf to keep the file size down.
I'm not supposed to be up this late. School starts up again tomorrow. Yes! **punches air** So, I have to keep this short. toodles

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